Thursday, May 17, 2007

First Mother's Day

First Mother's Day
Originally uploaded by nik_donna.
I had the most fabulous Mother's Day ever! I got to sleep in until around 8:00 and then Nik made me homemade waffles and bacon for breakfast. Addison and Nik worked hard on my gift Saturday. It was a picture frame that has a plaster hand print on the left and a photo of Addison on the right. Nik said the hand print thing was a little tough as Addison wanted to dig into the plaster with her hand. After scraping off the excess plaster, Nik noticed it was gone. Addison had stuffed it into one of her ears! Luckily he got it out without having to tell me and spoil the whole surprise. They also had a card made at Walgreens with my favorite China picture which was when I held Addison for the first time and she fell asleep on my shoulder. We ended the day with dinner out at Carrabba's. What a wonderful first Mother's Day! Here are some more pics of the gift giving.

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